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Fortinet Trade Up Program

Fortinet Trade Up Program

Replace EOL Hardware and Save!

Act now before it’s too late: Trade up End-of-Life (EOL) Fortinet units for new models and receive generous TradeUp discounts. Benefit from the transfer of existing service contracts from installed unit to new unit when recommended replacement model is purchased.

Move Up with Fortinet

Why stay with Fortinet? Our network security platform is tested and validated by the world’s leading experts and customers globally. It is powered by Fortinet’s FortiGuard Labs threat research and response capabilities, together providing protection across the complete threat lifecycle. This means customers are protected 24/7 from growing threats that go undetected by other solutions. The TradeUp Program allows you to access the latest Fortinet solution, bringing you improved performance, updated security, and an advanced feature set. In addition you also benefit from real cost savings.

Have your security needs changed because your business is evolving? If you are looking to upgrade a Fortinet unit that has not been announced EOL, TradeUp discounts may still apply. Explore Special Pricing Requests by contacting your local Fortinet Office, Distributor, or Reseller.

Program Details

Which Products Are Eligible?

All Fortinet products announced End-of-Life (EOL) are eligible for TradeUp Discounts. A limited number of products that have not been announced EOL are also eligible (see chart on previous page). For all other non-EOL products, a Special Pricing Request must be approved.

Which Products Are Not Eligible?

FortiVoice, FortiClient, Coyote Point, FortiToken, FortiRecorder, Virtual Appliances, Fortinet VM Solutions, FortiSMS, FortiCarrier, VDOM, ADOM, Accessories, FortiFone, FortiCamera, Professional Services.

Important: Units with support subscriptions that expired more than 12 months ago are not eligible for the TradeUp program.

When Can The End User Benefit From A Transfer Of Services From The Installed Unit To The New Unit?

End Users benefit from a transfer of existing service contracts from the installed unit to the new hardware unit when the ‘Recommended Replacement’ is purchased.

What Is The Process To Transfer Service From The Installed Unit To The Newly Purchased Replacement Unit?

Customers visit the Support site at https://support.fortinet.com. Go to the Asset/Manage Products section. Select the serial number of the product to be replaced. Click on the option Registration/RMA Transfer, and insert the serial number of the newly purchased unit. Upon saving, the transfer of services is confirmed and in place.

What Is The Process To De-register The Replaced (Old) Unit?

Within one-month, the End User must open a ticket (at https://support.fortinet.com), and request the de-registration of the replaced unit by providing its serial number. Any warranty or guarantee that is in place for the replaced (old) unit will cease upon de-registration. The Customer agrees and undertakes that if the de-registration process described above has not been fully completed by the end of the second month from the date of purchase of the replacement unit(s), Fortinet shall automatically de-registered the replaced unit(s), without customer’s prior approval.


In order to transfer existing services from an old to a new unit, a hardware unit without bundle support included must be purchased. Stand-alone services should be purchased separately in the same order. After the existing services have been transferred to the new unit, the new renewal contracts can be registered and added on.

Qualifying Trade-Up Products
Eligible Legacy Units Recommended Replacement* Eligible Legacy Units Recommended Replacement*
FortiAnalyzer-1000C, 1000D, 2000B FortiAnalyzer-1000E, 2000E FortiGate-20C-ADSL-A FortiGate-30E
FortiAnalyzer-200D FortiAnalyzer-200F FortiGate-300C, 310B, 3118 FortiGate-300E, 301E

FortiAnalyzer-3000D, 3000E, 3500E, 4000B

FortiAnalyzer-3000F, 3500F FortiGate-3040B, 3140B FortiGate-3100D
FortiAnalyzer-300D, 400B, 400C FortiAnalyzer-400E FortiGate-3240C FortiGate-3200D
FortiAP-11C FortiAP-C24JE FortiGate-3600C, 3810A-E4, 3950B

FortiGate-3700D, 3960E

FortiAP-210B, 220A, 220B, C220C FortiAP-221E FortiGate-400D FortiGate-300E, 301E
FortiAD-221B FortiAP-221E FortiGate-5001A-SW, 5005-FA2,5001B, 5101C, 5001 SX FortiGate-5001E
FortiAP-222B FortiAP-222E FortiGate-500D FortiGate-300E, 301E
FortiAP-223B FortiAP-225E FortiGate-60C, 60C-POE FortiGate-60E, 61E
FortiAP-320B FortiAP-320C FortiGate-60D-POE FortiGate-60D, 60E, 61E
FortiAP-C225C FortiAP-223E FortiGate-620B, 621B, 600C FortiGate-600E, 601E
FortiAP-C23JD FortiAP-C24JIE FortiGate-70D FortiGate-60E
FortiAuthenticator-3000D FortiAuthenticator-3000E FortiGate-800, 800F, 800C FortiGate- 800D, 900D
FortiAuthenticator-400C FortiAuthenticator-400E FortiGate-80C, 80CM, 80D FortiGate-80E, 81E
FortiGate- 140D FortiGate-80E,  81E, 100E, 101E, 140E FortiGate-92 FortiGate-101E
FortiGate-3016B FortiGate-3000D FortiGateRugged-100C FortiGateRugged-90D
FortiGate/WiFi-20C, 30B, 30D-POE FortiGate/WiFi-30E FortiMail-2000B FortiMail-2000E
FortiGate/Wifi-30D, 40C FortiGate/WiFi-30E, 50E, 51E, 52E FortiMail-200D FortiMail-200E
FortiGate/WiFi-50B, FortiGate 51B FortiGate/Wifi- 50E, 51E, 52E, 60E ,61E FortiMail-3000C, 3000D FortiMail-3000E, 3200E
FortiGate-1000C FortiGate-1000D FortiMail-400B, 400C FortiMail-400E
FortiGate-100D FortiGate-80E, 81E, 100E, 101E, 140E FortiManager-4000E FortiManager-3000F
FortiGate-110C, 111C FortiGate-100E, 101E, 140E FortiManager-10000C, 1000D FortiManager-2000E
FortiGate-1240B FortiGate-1200D FortiManager-300D, 400B, 400C FortiManager-300E, 4000E
FortiGaie-140D-POE FortiGate-80E, 81E, 100E, 101E, 140E FortiManager-3900E FortiManager-3000F
FortiGate-200B, 224B FortiGate-200E, 201E FortiManager-4000D FortiManager-3000F
FortiGate-200D FortiGate-200E, 201E FortiSwitch-108D-POE FortiSwitch-108E-POE
FortiSwitch-124B-POE FortiSwitch-124E-POE FortiSwitch-124D FortiSwitch-124E
FortiSwitch-124D-POE FortiSwitch-124E-POE FortiSwitch-224B-POE, 224D-POE FortiSwitch-224E-POE
FortiSwitch-248D-FPOE FortiSwitch-248E-FPOE FortiSwitch-248D-POE FortiSwitch-248E-POE
FortiSwitch-28C FortiSwitch-108E FortiSwitch-324B-POE FortiSwitch-224D-FPOE
FortiSwitch-348B, 448B FortiSwitch-248D FortiSwitch-548B FortiSwitch-1048E
FotiWeb-1000C FotiWeb-1000E FotiWeb-3000C, 3000D FotiWeb-2000E, 3000E
FotiWeb-4000C, 4000D FotiWeb-3000E, 3010E FotiWeb-400B, 400C FotiWeb-400D
FortiWifi-20C-ADSL-A FortiWifi-30E FortiWifi-60C, 60CM FortiWifi-60E, 61E
FortiWifi-60CX-ADSL-A FortiWifi-60E-ADSL FortiWifi-60D FortiWifi-60E, 61E
FortiWifi-60D-POE FortiWifi-60E, 61E FortiWifi-80CM FortiWifi-80E, 81E
Eligible (non-legacy) Fortinet Trade-Ups**
Eligible Non-Legacy Units** Recommended Replacement* Eligible Non-Legacy Units** Recommended Replacement*
FortiManager-200D FortiManager-200F

* To benefit from transfer of service contracts from the installed unit to the purchased (new) unit, a hardware unit must be purchased. The hardware unit must be purchased on its own, without bundle support included. We strongly recommend the Customer checks the respective datasheet of the replaced units available to verify the technical specifications of the new device.
** These products are non EOO but are still eligible for TradeUp discounts and transfer of service contracts.

Terms and Conditions:

  • Terms and conditions must be strictly respected
  • Fortinet Trade-up Program valid from now until 11:59 p.m on December 31, 2018.
  • The Fortinet TradeUp program is available to qualified FortiPartners and all current registered users of Fortinet security products within the APAC region.
  • In order to qualify for the Fortinet Trade-up Program, all submissions must involve a legacy FortiGate end-user in ANZ. The end-user must be the legal owner of the qualifying FortiGate product(s). Fortinet reserves the right to validate legal ownership.
  • When trading up, the customer should validate the specifications of the replacement device to ensure that they meet their requirements.
  • The recommended discounts on contracts/subscriptions only apply with the purchase of a hardware unit, which must be contained in the same purchase order.
  • All submissions are subject to Fortinet approval. Approvals shall be made in Fortinet's sole and absolute discretion and any decision by Fortinet relating to a submission shall be final.
  • Legacy FortiGate serial number(s) and Trade-Up Form is required prior to approval being granted.
  • This offer cannot be combined with any other Fortinet offer or promotion.
  • Fortinet reserves the right to amend or cancel this program at any time, to add or subtract qualifying products, and to raise or lower amount of discount at any time for any reason. The decisions of Fortinet are binding and final on all matters relating to the program.
  • Nothing herein represents any binding commitment by Fortinet, and Fortinet disclaims all warranties, whether express or implied, except to the extent Fortinet enters a binding written contract, signed by Fortinet’s General Counsel. Fortinet disclaims in full any guarantees.

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Số chứng nhận ĐKKD: 0314815571

Ngày cấp: 03/01/2018, nơi cấp: Sở KH & ĐT TPHCM

Người đại diện: VĂN NHẬT TÂN

Địa chỉ: Số 36/34 Đường Nguyễn Gia Trí, Phường 25, Quận Bình Thạnh, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam

Địa chỉ giao dịch: 1061 Phạm Văn Đồng, Phường Linh Tây, Thành Phố Thủ Đức, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam

Điện thoại: 84.028.35125568

Hotline: 09 014 014 86


Email: sales@ketnoimang.vn

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